Saturday, July 30, 2022

Covid, etc.

 The summer has been long and hot.  Predictable but what I find interesting is that the heat has been throughout the country.  When the rain comes it dumps intensely in a small area.  Case in point - St. Louis a week or so ago.  St. Louis received a record rainfall in one 24 hour period of 9 inches.  The last time this happened that was even close was in 1915 with a rainfall of 7 inches.  The flooding, as you can imagine, has been terrible.  

Rain finally arrived in the Bootheel today and we are grateful.  The heat has been relieved with the temperature at 72 degrees in the middle of the afternoon..  It was a slow and steady rain and I don't think there was any damage to the crops.  The farmers are definitely happy

We have visited with the kids this summer both here and there, in Indy and Fairview, TN.  But, the most interesting thing that happened was we were finally visited by Covid.  

Interestingly, Don was not as sick as I was and on top of that, when I thought I was recovered, I really wasn't.  I couldn't shake a persistent cough and breathiness.  I visit the doctor again, had chest x-rays, and lo and behold, I discovered that I had pneumonia.  I was gobsmacked.  Me???  Pneumonia???  That was a hard one to wrap my head around.  

As I've gotten older, I've become more watchful of my health.  When I was younger and raising kids, I wasn't allowed to be sick.  It just wasn't done.  If I was ever sick, I ignored it.  But now I have time to pay attention to my own issues and seeing the doctor was a smart move because I caught it early.  If I had waited or ignored it, I would have likely ended up in hospital.  Nice to know that I've gotten smarter as I've gotten older.

Summer is still here.  August arrives tomorrow.  More heat for many but school starts for some and Krista is now homeschooling the kids.  In today's social climate, it's a smart choice.