Sunday, October 27, 2019

We have lift-off!!

October 24th was an exciting night for me.  "A California Girl Meets the Bootheel" was officially launched and the evening was a great success.  I really had no expectations but typically, I'm the person who throws a party (Tupperware, 31, etc.) and maybe two people show up.  But tonight was different and about 20 people appeared throughout the evening.  I'm so grateful to Teresa Tidwell, our librarian, for making the evening so easily achieved.  And many thanks to Morgan Treece and her to die for cookies.  You made my table shine.  There are not enough words to express my gratitude for the people who were able to be present.  Your presence gave me so much confidence and made my next steps easier as I continue on this road of promoting my book.

Check here for updates at my website:
God bless you all.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Things are happening

It's October 14th and my book is selling.  I have a website at  Press releases are going out. There will be an article in the paper this week.  I was at Blytheville Book Company in Arkansas this past Friday and I'll be part of a Meet the Authors event and some future date.  Now if they will just carry my book. I have some questions about that and I'll pursue that tomorrow.  It feels like this is all I'm thinking about these days and it is for the most part.  But, I also have a couple of ideas on my plate; two more books very different from this one and from each other.  The juices are flowing.