Five Minute Writing Prompt - Favor


Do me a favor. Remember me. Name me.  I know your heart is broken but i promise you this. One day you will know me as your son or daughter. Cover me with a gentle saint.  Choose a name for me that is recognized for sweetness, hope, and peace. Find your peace, mommy.  And then find me in heaven when we are joined again and you can call me by name . . . Francis.  Do me this favor, I pray.


  1. 🙏🙏 never forgotten 💙

  2. Glad you can't see me. A weeping thug is not a pretty sight.


    Sometimes there are no words, just tears
    on reading of another's pain
    of that lost child down the years,
    who deserved a special name.
    You never got to see his face
    of joy on Christmas morn,
    for to a place of endless grace
    he was chosen and born.
    And now he waits and longs for you
    to come to share his joy,
    for he know Happy Means Two,
    you, Mum, and your boy.
    Today it hurts, does not seem fair,
    but he is real, and waiting There.


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