88 Day Challenge, Day 44-45/88

Monday came and went. I read a lot and finished painting Sebastian 's turtle.

And now it's Tuesday. I'm going to the back porch today for my Rosary and coffee. It was 52° this morning. I hope it's warmer now.


Don just walked in with some news. Can't say what because early days.  But it's big and I now am feeling a little breathless and my right eye is twitching. Dratted tick comes and goes and lately it's been in the come phase.  I need to call Quanah for calming. Suffice it to say, this news, if it happens, will turn my/our lives upside-down. 



Quanah helped and I've talked a bit more with Don.  At this point, as long as I'm assured, from Don, of open discussions, I will proceed with a timely chance that has fallen into our laps.

Sorry for the mystery but all will be revealed soon no matter which way it goes.  In the meanwhile,  the day is ending, dinner out is happening, and so up goes this daily post of my life. My "Dear Diary " has sure been a getting workout lately.


  1. You're warm. It's the possible how of it all that's so surprising. Stay tuned.

  2. A twitching eye is not good. I hope it's good news.

    1. For me it's a sign of stress or fatigue.

      I hope it's turns out well to but we shall see. Age has taught me patience and to avoid expectations. 😊

  3. The turtle is cute. Remember to breathe! I bet it is about moving! Good luck.

  4. I have, or did have an eye that twitched. It had not twitched for years and years until we moved here last year. But it has settled down now. I hope whatever 'it' is that you will be happy with it.

    1. Thank you, Rose. Didn't hear anything today. If tomorrow is silent, I'll forget it. This could lead to a house sale and our move to be near the grands in central Tennessee.


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