88 Day Challenge, Day 41/88

Well,  after yesterday's sleep-in, I actually feel back to normal and even better than normal. Last night I worked out a calendar plan for next week and gave it a run this morning.  So far I've done 3 out of 5.

Not surprisingly,  exercise and ironing are the easiest to put off.  Perhaps I should make them second and third.  Prayer keeps first place.

Speaking of prayer, I went out to the back porch this morning with my coffee, rosary, and Robb book when the unforeseen happened.  My St. Patrick Rosary slid off the book it was balanced on as I stepped onto the porch and it slid between the cracks of the boards and plunged into the darkness below.  

Why oh why couldn't it have spilled off a step sooner and landed on the concrete? Or, why didn't I have the quickness of wit to throw out my foot and step on it to stop its downward rush? I can't answer these questions and now St. Patrick rest in the darkness.

I wonder if Don can devise a hooking tool and pull it out? Oh well, as I said my Rosary this morning, I prayed to accept this event as a small cross to bear and look for the good.

In any event, the afternoon is creeping forward so time to get cleaned up and forge on to the ironing and exercise.


One piece of ironing finished.

Worked at the library for a couple of hours.

Roundhouse for dinner tonight.

No purposeful exercise yet.

The day is rapidly sliding into the end zone and I'm looking forward to kicking up my feet.  It's been a nice day.


  1. What a freak accident. Your toes are so pretty!

    1. I love blue toes. Blue's my favorite. Yes, it was definitely freaky.

  2. I like your blue toes. I hope your husband was able to get your rosary.

    1. I'll post, if it happens. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  3. I hope your St Pat rosary is retrievable from under the porch! Thanks for popping by my blog today!


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