Sunday, September 15, 2024

88 Day Challenge, Day 15/88

Slow morning. Up at 8:00. Coffee, woke up, then went to Mass at St. Martha's.   The ride over is about 40 minutes and is beautiful,  green,  rolling hills.  Ashland City would be a nice place to buy a home but housing prices will probably block that location. 

We're on I-40W now as we head home.  The predicted rain is elsewhere and that makes me happy.  It's easy driving.  Truckers tend to like having flags on their trucks.  This one has a bit of an original placement.

And now I'm home.  Lots of good food this week. Tomorrow morning I'm back on the wagon.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

88 Day Challenge, Day 14/88

What a happy day it has been.  Estella is baptized, washed in the blessed salt, water, and oil of God. Salt represents a supernatural symbol of the permanent sanctity of Jesus. The water satisfies, refreshes, and can symbolise the release of new life .   Oil, for a baby Christian, is used to carry glory for Healing purposes. She is a cleansed and healed (of original sin) child of God.


What a day. So much joy and laughter.  It was just the best.

Friday, September 13, 2024

88 Day Challenge, Day 13/88

Karolina's 7th birthday is tomorrow.  Estella's baptism is tomorrow. We are having a double header party. You guessed it, TOMORROW!!

Day two of walking without assistance. My knees are not comfortable but, got lots done.  Of course, an hour later it's all back, not to mention what will be back tomorrow. 

I'm exhausted.😴

Thursday, September 12, 2024

88 Day Challenge, Day 12/88

Thursday is academy day for Sebastian,  Matteo,  and Karolina.   I'm at home with William. It's 10:30. So far, so good. Kris will be home after 4:00.

It was fun with William today. Danny Go was on all day. It was remarkable to see him so quiet.  He took a long nap and then I made cookies.  For me, it was a success.

Don arrives tomorrow. 


It was a good day. William rocketed again as soon as the kids got home. The noise level ratcheted up again. Fun times with the Zavala kiddos.

The meal train delivered pizza and breadsticks. Yummm.


Happy Birthday to my brother. End of day 12 of this 88 day challenge.  Today I walked all day without my walker.  Had one bad moment but I call this a breakthrough. 

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

88 Day Challenge, Day 11/88

This is a day I will never forget.  The Twin Towers. The Pentagon. A field in Pennsylvania.  So much tragedy. So much loss of life.  It's been 23 years.  The greatest sadness, for me, is my sense, that many have forgotten or, worse yet, know and do not care.

This morning, Krista had a lot of outside work to deal with.  I'm here with the three oldest and we are studying arts and humanities today.  right now it's break time.  

Instacart arrived with food and beverage. The kids put everything away and then made their lunches.  peace reigns.  After lunch, reading starts up again then I'll help Matteo with the writing worksheets.

What a day.  School went well.  Karo built a house of blocks that was really detailed.  Don had his first successfully accomplished interview on a podcast today.   It was 45 minutes and went really well.  

We had family prayer at the end of the day. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

88 Day Challenge, Day 10/88

A few days have gone by and my life is skating smoothly.  Being with my grands has relaxed me.  Don is doing his thing at home and I'm here in Tennessee helping Krista in her 3rd week post-partum.  There's nothing like a new born to put life in perspective.  

Sunday, September 8, 2024

88 Day Challenge, Day 8/88

I awoke to a good day.  All the tension of the past week is gone.  My day started with 

A perking train,  bubbled and chugged, and whirled.  

It sped up and then, just like that, came to a hard, solid stop.

Ahhhh. That first cuppa.

There's just nothing like a good cuppa coffee to start off my day.  Then, in fast order came Mass, lunch with friends, and friendly conversation.

We did our usual stop by the river and two excited little boys were very proud of the fish their daddy landed.  

Now I have to pack for my week in Tennessee.  I leave tomorrow.

Hmmm, I DID have a small  accomplishment with food this morning.  I remembered bacon giving me indigestion a couple of weeks ago.  I ordered sausage instead and it wasn't at all greasy.

And finally, God willing, there will be no bumps in the road today to extend last week's troubles.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

88 Day Challenge, Day 7/88

I WILL have a good day today.  Coffee is ready.  Major goal: iron and pack for next week.

We are returning from Kennett.  Don was honored by DAR as Veteran of the month (for July).  It's a statewide honor and they presented the honor to him in a lovely ceremony.

Don surprised me with lunch at Cracker Barrel.  I found a pretty dress and a cute set of figures for William's birthday.

All the tension of this week is gone.  Now all I have to look forward to is a week with family and enjoy the new baby.  I am so glad this week is behind me.

Friday, September 6, 2024

88 Day Challenge, Day 6/88

I'm have a chill morning. Will Treece stopped by with landscaping money and itemized statement of what he spent. I spoke a bit with Leighan but then went quiet.  I am starting to feel tension in my chest.  Not like afib, just a sense of shallow breathing.  I'm going to Hallow and pray.  I spoke to Morgan later and she said it was the beginning of an anxiety attack.  Small wonder.



The closed session meeting is over. My left eye was twitching and I had the mother of all headaches.  But, the situation is resolved and it's one of the hardest things I've ever had to do.  Now the hard work begins of rebuilding the library family.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Eighty-eight Day Challenge, Day 5/88

Well, yesterday is behind me.  The library board meeting was long and rough.  But we are now an actual working board. M, no doubt, does not like it but I'm pleased and I think everyone else is too.  Time now for coffee and prayer.  I wonder what the day will bring?


Coffee invigorated me this morning then I prayed on Hallow.  I finally listened to day 25 of Marian Consecration.  My meditation focused on my occasional need to talk to my mother.  

Yesterday I wished I still had my mother to talk to but I don't and I called Krista,  the mother of many.  I did not reach her and now, today, with this passage from Hallow, I realize I do have a mother I can call upon.  It's certainly not a new awareness but it IS one I forget more than I remember. I forgot it yesterday but then didn't. Note to self - In the spirit of developing a new habit, work on remembering always to go to Mary first.


I had high hopes that the day that has come would never arrive.  But, here I am, in the unenviable position of having to support the lose of someone's job.  How anyone can be so valuable and gifted and at the same time so totally self-destructive is just beyond me.  I feel cold and totally shut down inside.  The subject of these words has just become their own self-fulfilling prophesy. This is a step in my own personal growth that shouldn't be happening but . . . it is what it is.  God help me.

******** And yet more ********

An emergency meeting of the board has been called for tomorrow  at 4:15.  It's going to be a tough meeting.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Sept. 4th, Day 4/88

I wrote today . . .


I ate a piece of toast this morning.   

Peanut butter, flavor and crunch.

No more. No more. No more.

Or, I will not be able to eat lunch.

Coffee is getting low.

If I run out, oh woe!

For now, I gently sip the hot brew,

enjoying what little I have.

Social time is coming soon.

Meeting friends for lunch at noon.

That single bit of toast?

It was just enough.


Meditation on St. Sebastian 

Your bravery to serve the Roman Emperor, Diacletion, is inspiration for us all to embrace our Christian belief fearlessly.  You were, without a doubt, his most trusted Pratorian guard and yet when he  challenged you about your faith, you did not deny it. And,  he ordered you executed.  Lord, Holy Father, I wish to fearlessly trust you.  I entrust myself to you. Ask of me what you will so that I might serve you faithfully.  I am yours.


I prayed this morning, the final St. Sebastian session.  I need to find a children's book of his life to give to Seb.

Time to dress and meet Jean and Mike for lunch. Then stop at Hays for coffee and prep for my 4:00 meeting today.  

I'm dreading the library board meeting.  Lord give me strength to get through it, to have the right words and be focused on all that is going on at the table.


Well, the meeting has come and gone.  Just when I thought things might actually go well, it all came apart.  I'm very tired of the emotional manipulation.  Later, Leighan, Don, and I visited the Levee Lounge.  I was so ready for a drink.  Anyway . . . the day is done and soon tomorrow will be here.   

Tomorrow I'm planning to focus on food.  I've been off track for a while and need to start heading down the scale again.  I had BBQ for dinner tonight.  It isn't agreeing with me. I haven't felt like this for a while.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Day 3 of my 88 day challenge

 It was a long day today at St. Francis Hospital in Cape Girardeau

 But, today I finally had my upper G.I. follow-up procedure from my illness in May.  The results were excellent. There is a bit of inflammation remaining but a prescription anti-acid will continue to keep it away.

We ate at Tuscan Sun again and then headed home.   It was a pleasant end to a very long day.

Sept. 2nd, 2/88

Prayer - I listened to morning psalms on Hallow.  Listening was gentle and soothing.

Productivity - My clothes are sorted. Some are tossed. Some are bagged for rag material for Morgan, and some are in a give away pile.   I did a little ironing and hung up more clothes. I have an hugh ironing pile and I know I'll need to buy at least 20 more hangers.

I talked with David on the phone.  Then I did my usual reading and lunched midafternoon with Leighan.  we prepped for the Wednesday library board meeting.

Tomorrow I have my followup upper G.I. procedure.  

The  day is gone. 

Dredging on the shoreline. 

Sunday, September 1, 2024

88 Day Challange, Day 1

Day 1/88

A new effort.  I've started an 88 day challenge to be

1.  more productive/toss stuff

2.  more active

3.  more prayerful

4.  more mindful of food

5.  more writing

6.  more art

Today I went to Mass, had lunch at Roundhouse.  It was awkward.  Don was in a mood and irritated. Can't say i blamex him. Afterwards, at home,  I cleared my dresser and removed some clothing I don't  need anymore.   I passed one pile on to Morgan for work rags. The other I hope she will have a source that might find the better items useful.

Read some.  Set chicken out to thaw.  That about catches me up.