Tuesday, September 24, 2024

88. Day Challenge, Day 24/88

Five years ago, I fell out of bed and with little effort was able to get myself up.  Fast forward to a year ago and a fall in the dining room and we had to call 911 to get me off the floor.   So, it was no surprise when I had to call 911, after falling out of bed,  yet again, this morning.  After struggling for 15 minutes to get up, I finally called and between the two officers, I was up and in a chair in about five seconds.  What a relief.  Of course,  I was a bit battered and bruised but nothing broken, thank goodness.  The worst of it was an abrasion to the back of my left arm that I was sure would turn into a very sore bruise.

I was right.  The day could only get better after that. And it did. 


  1. Glad to know I'm not the only one. I cannot get up off the floor at all. So I spend quite a bit of time trying to keep upright! I am SO glad you were not badly hurt! I hope your entire home is carpeted!

    1. Thanks, Ginny. Our house is a combination of rugs and flooring. Like you, I'm usually very careful.
