88 Day Challenge, Day 11/88

This is a day I will never forget.  The Twin Towers. The Pentagon. A field in Pennsylvania.  So much tragedy. So much loss of life.  It's been 23 years.  The greatest sadness, for me, is my sense, that many have forgotten or, worse yet, know and do not care.

This morning, Krista had a lot of outside work to deal with.  I'm here with the three oldest and we are studying arts and humanities today.  right now it's break time.  

Instacart arrived with food and beverage. The kids put everything away and then made their lunches.  peace reigns.  After lunch, reading starts up again then I'll help Matteo with the writing worksheets.

What a day.  School went well.  Karo built a house of blocks that was really detailed.  Don had his first successfully accomplished interview on a podcast today.   It was 45 minutes and went really well.  

We had family prayer at the end of the day. 


  1. Are you pretty much going to be staying here now, or do you plan to eventually move back to the bootheel?

    1. Hi, Sandy. Right now I was just visiting and helping with the new baby. This spring we are talking about putting the house on the market and try a permanent move to central Tennessee. We'll see how it goes. Alas, the housing market is not good here.

  2. E: Beautiful Girl


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