88 Day Challenge, Day 8/88

I awoke to a good day.  All the tension of the past week is gone.  My day started with 

A perking train,  bubbled and chugged, and whirled.  

It sped up and then, just like that, came to a hard, solid stop.

Ahhhh. That first cuppa.

There's just nothing like a good cuppa coffee to start off my day.  Then, in fast order came Mass, lunch with friends, and friendly conversation.

We did our usual stop by the river and two excited little boys were very proud of the fish their daddy landed.  

Now I have to pack for my week in Tennessee.  I leave tomorrow.

Hmmm, I DID have a small  accomplishment with food this morning.  I remembered bacon giving me indigestion a couple of weeks ago.  I ordered sausage instead and it wasn't at all greasy.

And finally, God willing, there will be no bumps in the road today to extend last week's troubles.


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