88 Day Challenge, Days 16 & 17/88

I didn't post yesterday so am doubling up today.  Yesterday was spent at the library. I took photos for Facebook content, prepped a statement for city council meeting last night, got more updating from Leighan and later Beth and Jaime came in after work for more updating.

Later, in closed session of city council meeting, Leighan and I laid all the information on the table regarding library matters. It was difficult to do mainly because I have been facing the realization that sometimes you just can't save someone who is hellbent on self-destruction.

But matters are behind us now and we are doing the heavy lifting to clean up the mess.

Today I received the sad news that a dear friend has slipped quite suddenly into a steep, cognitive decline.  Don and I were noticing signs, starting a few weeks ago; the rapidity of our friend's descent has taken my breath away.  

On to happier things. The first round of pictures from the library were sent to Jami E. along with recommended narrative.  All will be posted to the new library Facebook page.

It's 2:15 now and it promises to be a long afternoon.   I agreed to work from 1:30 - 5:30. Beth C. is here ordering supplies. Sharon was supposed to leave at 1:30 but is still here. I know, for sure, that if I wasn't here, she would leave Ticara high and dry and alone.   No esta bueno. Oh well, life is full of little irksome surprises.

Round 2 of library content has
been sent off to Jami.  One job finished.  Local artists included R.L. Ward, Opal Caruthers, Irene Hazel, and Larry Adams.

Lots of kids in the library today because of a threat of gun violence against an unspecified school.  With a heightened safety alert, all school have been closed today.


  1. What evil times we live in. Wow, you are doing so much good community work!!

    1. Hi Ginny. I'm on the library board and as you might be able to tell, there's been some drama. The situation wasn't easy but the end result was satisfying.

  2. from E: wow busy week that was!


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