88 Day Challange, Day 1

Day 1/88

A new effort.  I've started an 88 day challenge to be

1.  more productive/toss stuff

2.  more active

3.  more prayerful

4.  more mindful of food

5.  more writing

6.  more art

Today I went to Mass, had lunch at Roundhouse.  It was awkward.  Don was in a mood and irritated. Can't say i blamex him. Afterwards, at home,  I cleared my dresser and removed some clothing I don't  need anymore.   I passed one pile on to Morgan for work rags. The other I hope she will have a source that might find the better items useful.

Read some.  Set chicken out to thaw.  That about catches me up.


  1. Good to see you back, Annie.
    Sounds like a good challenge. What made you pick 88 days?


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